TP Testing page plugin

This page is for testing. (Plugin TranslatePress – Testing should be active)

Normal strings

¿Here we have some characters that can be problematic when they are in the end of beginning¡

¡For good measure ¡¿ put some in the middle¿

“Here there are quotes”

‘Single quotes’

`Back ticks`

Some whitespace  in the middle after the word whitespace.

A lot of whitespaces         everywhere        both in middle and on edges

Random stuff  ¿┴╢  ï▒¿¡/ // ///   \

 This has nbsp; at the edges and ( ) between the parentheses. 

Strings in attributes

this is alt text of mac image

this is another text of mac image inside an anchor

this is a link to a wp-content image. the href should not have language slug

Option one
Option two
Option three

Text of anchor with translatable href

Text of anchor 2 with translatable href

Text of anchor without translatable href

control paragraph

Translation blocks

This is a simple strong.

Here we have an external link. Should never contain language encoding, even when force language in links is set to Yes.

Here we have internal link This should work when on original language and then on secondary language, when force language in links is set to Yes.

An image and text after

Some less than characters which are < not tags 

This quote within title attribute title

Some white  space

Breaking space
with closing slash

Breaking space
without closing slash

Some new line with

second line

This shouldn’t show the merging icon because it contains dynamic strings.

This shouldn’t show the merging icon because it contains gettext **gettext**

Check Merging with translation->Splitting->Merging (previous translation should be still here).

 This has nbsp; at the edges and ( ) between the parentheses and is a translation block. 

Dynamic strings

Ajax loaded strings

Gettext strings


Language switchers

  1. Shortcode Language switcher:
  2. Check language switcher in Editor
  3. Check language switcher outside Editor on homepage


  1. Change slug for secondary language in Editor
  2. Check language switching in non-editor mode on page with translated slug




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